Smolyan Municipality will implement measures for cleaner air with funds under OPE

The Minister of Environment and Water Neno Dimov and the Mayor of Smolyan Municpality Nikolay Melemov signed a contract for improving the quality of the ambient air. The amount of the investment is 9.6 million BGN, provided entirely by OP "Environment 2014-2020".

The implementation of the project will reduce the emissions of fine particulate matter (PM10) and nitrogen oxides, which are the source of domestic solid fuel heating. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the improvement of the ambient air quality for nearly 36 000 inhabitants of the municipality of Smolyan as well as to the fulfillment of the goals stemming from the national sectoral legislation.

The project will be implemented in two stages. The first stage involves analyzing the environment and developing a vision for the approach to replacing combustion plants. Based on the results, during the second phase the actual investment measures for the replacement of solid fuel heaters with alternative sources of heat will be implemented.

The implementation period is 53 months.